Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sex, booze, and women as objects: update

Another kind of ridiculous beer ad: via Jezebel


Anonymous said...

Yes, damn that timeless, "women talk too much", male humor!! Clearly this is the most offensive ad of our time, let's outlaw it. Oh, wait...nope can't do that; it would offend our friend David. While we're ad it, shall we ban all non-homosexual pornography as well?

Anonymous said...
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Will said...

Clearly this is the most offensive ad of our time, let's outlaw it.

I didn't make either of those claims. Needing to construct a strawman to make your argument plausible is a good indication that it's a bad argument.

While we're ad it
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume this was a pun :).

shall we ban all non-homosexual pornography as well?
Nope, but you sure showed that strawman. (as a side note, I think there's probably a decent 14th amendment claim for banning certain het porn. I haven't given homo porn as much thought, but I don't know that the 14th amendment argument would be as good. I'll write a porn post some day, though, and we can have this argument for real.)

Anonymous said...

"Clearly this is the most offensive ad of our time, let's outlaw it. Oh, wait...nope can't do that; it would offend our friend David."

Offense has nothing to do with the issue of censorship, but I forgive your confusion - large doses of sanctimony can make it hard to think straight.

Anonymous said...

I should have been more clear about the sanctimony. "Anonymous" is self-medicating.

Anonymous said...

I may have responded to this earlier. I can't remember.

I have to say I love how you ("anonymous") "argue" that we can't censor the ad (after falsely suggesting that Will was proposing censorship) because it would offend me. That makes complete sense, since I carefully constructed free speech arguments to be dependent on the level of offense I take from a given piece of information. Yes, that was what I said.

On another note, have you heard of the comma splice? Some other tips: it's customary to leave a space after ellipses, and nothing says "class" like double exclamation points.

Re: pornography

Saffy: It's disgusting. It is so degrading to women!
Patsy: What do you mean? She's got the whip.